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Covid 19 Restrictions - Hopefully we are over the worst of this now but if for any reason you need to postpone your wedding due to local or national lockdowns or limited numbers allowed at venues please all I ask is that you contact me ASAP. If you are able to provide a number of alternative dates this would be really helpful as you can imagine if you are in the situation a lot of other couples will be too and will all be trying to re arrange weddings. There is (for now) only one of me and can only be in one place at a time. 

One thing I can promise is I will NEVER charge you a postponement fee and will work with you as much as I can to ensure I can still shoot your wedding when it happens. 


How soon do I need to book a Wedding Photographer? - ASAP, All wedding photographers will start taking bookings at least 12 months in advance, sometimes longer, So the sooner your able to choose your photographer and get them booked the less chance there is of you being dissappointed. That being said theres nothing wrong with contacting any time. you never know we may just have the day free.. 


How do I know which photographer to choose, there are so many? - First and foremost you must like your photographers work.. I would suggest that you take your time to look around and suit which photographers style suits your needs.. Secondly you will be spending a lot of time with your photographer in the weeks leading up to your big day and of course on the day itself.. So you MUST like your photographer.. A Good queston to ask yourself is would you get on with this person in a social situation.. If the answer is no then you really need to walk away.. I would definately not suggest going with a photographer "because they are the cheapest" remeber after the big day your Wedding photographs may be the only physical reminder you have of your big day.. If you love their work, get on with them and they are the cheapest.. You're on to a winner.. Sign their contract there and then.. 


Do you work alone or is there the option of a second Photographer? - Generally I work alone, I like to be able to build up a relationship with the couple that I am photographing. I feel this is important to understand your likes and dislikes and to make sure the images I am capturing tell the story of your day.. That being said if you do require a second Photographer please let me know during your initial consultation and I can arrange this for you in plenty of time for you to meet them too.. 


Do you offer a discount for low season or Weekday Weddings? - Discounts sometimes appear through my social media channels such as Facebook & Instagram but on the whole I do not offer generic discounts for weekdays or for low season Weddings, for the simple fact that the same amount of preparation and work goes in to one of these as it would for a weekend wedding.


What equipment do you use? - I use 2 x Full Frame Sony Cameras with a range of different focal length professional grade lenses, numourous flash guns and lighting accessories. I carry duplicates for all of my equipment to every wedding so even if I were to drop or damage my camera the show would go on.... even if I was crying on the inside... 


Are you insured? - Of course, What professional wouldn't be?. I have full Indemnity insurance & Public Liability Insurance - Please ask if you would like to see certificates. 


How far will you travel? - I don't place any restrictions on how far I will travel to photograph your Wedding. All travel in the UK is included in your price. However for weddings over 50 miles from my home there may be an additional cost for an over night stay prior to the wedding(don't worry i'm not expecting the Ritz) . This is for my piece of mind and yours. We all know how unpredictable UK roads can be. I would hate to be stuck in traffic and miss your wedding. 

Do you shoot destination weddings? - YES, Please contact me for a personalised quote taylored to suit your needs


OK.. How do I book you for my Wedding Day? - This is the easy part. Simply Drop me a message via the contact me page on this website or give me a call on 07824 668604 and we can get the ball rolling. From there we can arrange a consultation/chat and discuss your requirements. A deposit of £300.000 is all that is required to secure your wedding date. 


Where & When will my Pre Wedding Shoot take place? - The simple answer is any time before the wedding, as long as the contracts are signed and the deposits paid then when ever suits you. It gives us another chance to have a catch up, discuss any questions or quieries that have come up after our last meeting (although im always on the end of the phone for those) and it gives you a chance to get some lovely images that can be used any way that suits you. 


When is the balance due? - Your balance is due in full 30 days before your Wedding date. 


How long should I allocate for the formal shots? - This is dependant on the amount of group shots that you require.. I would suggest that the maximum amount of time would be 1 hour but this can be discussed during consultations.  


Do we need to feed you on the day? - It is not a requirement at all but something small is always appreciated.


How long will it take to get the photographs after the Wedding? - I aim to provide you with your gallery of images within 30 days after your Wedding day


What format are the images presented in? - All images are presented in a password protected online gallery for you to download and use as you wish.  Images are delivered as High Resolution, Copy-write Free JPEG files. Hard Copies can be produced at a cost of £50.00 for USB. I always recommend you back your photos up either by ordering duplicates or on your own personal External Storage Drive. 


Do you offer Albums & Prints? - Of Course, These can be discussed at your consultation or after the event. All album orders will need to be placed within 30 days of you receiving your Wedding Photographs. 


Finally, Why is Wedding Photography so expensive? - My totally honest answer on this is that I dont think it is..... I would say that I know.. 

Ok so the  amount of time I am usually at a wedding is around 10-12 hours, there are some that are longer and some that are shorter but that investment is a lot of money for 12 hours work right and if that was the whole story i would totally agree. But that is not quite the whole story.. On a full days wedding photography culling images & Post process alone often racks up a further 15-20 hours work so thats around 35 hours alone. Then take in to account consultations, emails, phone calls and pre wedding shoots plus the processing that comes along with that will amount to another 6 to 7 hours sometimes even more.. So at approx 45 plus hours work per wedding I think that the pricing reflects the amount of work that will go in to your wedding photographs being something you can treasure and look back on for the rest of your lives together. 



Any other questions? ............ Please feel free to ask, I will be only too happy to answer your queiries. 


© BCK Photography 2019                                                                                07824 668604                                                                            

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